Ken Simmons

Kenneth R. Simmons (Born November 9, 1959- Died February 1, 2016)
Books Written by Ken Simmons
- Cards with a Different Touch (1981) Published by Magic Methods
- Close-up with Cards (1981) Published by Magic Methods
- Scotch and Soda 1 (1982)
- Amazing Magic with Scotch and Soda or Dime and Penny (1982)
- Scotch and Soda 2 (1985)
- Riffling the Pasteboards (1986)
- Riffling the Pasteboards Again (1987)
- David Neighbors on the Double Coin Gimmick (1988)
- Scotch and Soda 3 (1988)
- David Neighbors' Freshly Minted (1989)
- Guarded Secrets Revealed (1990)
- Master Index to Marlo's Revolutionary Card Technique (1991)
- Finally! (Lecture Notes 1991)
- Banded Deck Effects (1991)
- Simplicity at your Fingertips (Lecture Notes 1993)