The How to Book of the Chop Cup by Shute
The "How To" Book of the Chop Cup
By Merlyn T. Shute
An indispensable guide to anyone who now performs the Chop Cup or who anticipates adding the effect to their repertoire. This thorough analysis will enable you to develop your own routines.
Contents Include:
- Forward by Merlyn Shute
- History
- Paraphernalia
- The Cup: design
- Chop Cup Balls
- Simple Load: how to perform it
- The Jennings Load
- Right Hand Load: at the table
- The Left Hand Load: at the table
- The Silk Load
- Failure: examination of when it sometimes fails
- The Failed Load
- The Moran Load: December 1973 MUM
- Look Ma, Both Hands: uses four large 1.5" balls
- The Fluid Load: as demonstrated by Herb Morrissey
- Emergency: a makeshift chop cup from a pill container
- Routining: introduction
- Beginning
- The Middle
- The End or Finale
- Conclusion
- The Bag: using the bag the cup comes in
- Mood: setting the pace
- Patter
- Pocket Chop Cup: a quick routine
Details: The How to Book of the Chop Cup by Merlyn T. Shute
45 pages, soft covers, saddle-stitched, size; 51/2" by 8 1/2".
Illustrated by Sid Lorraine
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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