Knockout mental magic fills one large chapter in this book. Stage magic fills another chapter including an easy and very effective newspaper tear. Three other chapters contain novel close up magic, coins, cards, cups and balls and various other close-up stunts. John Riggs, is a clever magical performer from Knoxville, Tennessee and this is his first full-fledged book of magic. All of John’s magic reflects his own unusual approach to magic. The effects are strong, and the methods, for the most part, are easy.
You may be familiar with previous Rigg's contributions in magazines such as the "Trapdoor" published by Steve Beam and elsewhere. This collection goes far beyond the previous offerings-it is much larger and the magic is outstanding!
Five Chapters!
Contents Include:
Chapter One: Close Up Magic - This chapter contains close-up magic with cups and balls, business cards, wand from the purse and the hilarious Mr. Jimmy
- Solipsist Cup And Ball Routine
- Further Thoughts On Cups And Balls
- Sweet Mystery
- Self-Working Rising Business Card
- Anytime Wand From Purse
- Mr. Jimmy
- Mr. Jimmy Exposed
Chapter Two-Coins includes three practical coin effects suitable for many performing circumstances. Coins to the pocket is a highlight.
- Coinfusion
- Backfire Eagles
- Coins To Pocket
Chapter Three-Card Magic - Presents a generous helping of card magic, which is top quality all the way. Several novel ideas are presented including an "Ambitious Card" routine with a totally blank deck.
- Ambitious Card With A Blank Deck
- The Cold Fold
- Color Change Case With The Cold Fold
- Other Ideas With The Cold Fold
- File Card
- Peek Case
- Rising Card Handling
- Mullica Wallet Idea
- Corkscrew
- The Centerfold Deal
- Rollover Kings
- The Double Cross
- The Linking Cards
Chapter Four-Mental Magic - contains mental magic suitable for most performing circumstances including platform and stage. John Riggs is a competent mental performer and you'll be interested in his novel ideas.
- On The Presentation Of Mentalism
- Procrastinating Prognostication
- ESP Guessing Game 2000
- Design Deception
- Florariggs
- A Mullica Wallet Routine
- A Bird Of Different Feather
- The Scissor Steal/Switch
- The Center Scissor Steal
- Scissor Swap
- Key Shocker
- The Psychic Shopper
- Slow Motion Gellerism
- Your Good Fortune Miss!
Chapter Five-Stage Magic - contains three stage effects including an easy and effective Torn and Restored Newspaper.
- R.I.P.P. Paper Tear
- Rolled Vanish
- Poor Man's Dream
Details: RIGGS - The Man With the $1.98 Hands​ - The Magic of John Riggs
©1995 Magic Methods - First Edition
Perfect bound, 89 pages, size 8 1/2 by 11 inches.
Illustrated with over eighty fine drawings by Richard Bartram, Jr.
SKILL LEVEL-Experienced/Medium
A Magic Methods Publication