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With A Grain of Salt by Horace Bennett

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  • Bennett's Cups & Balls Routine!
  • His Finale is a Cup of Salt!
  • Well Described, Easy To Do!

With A Grain of Salt

By Horace Bennett

Bennett's Cups and Balls Routine

Horace Bennett was a student of magic and developed many fine routines based on his own thinking, the ideas of others, and the advice of his friends. His cups and balls routine, "With A Grain of Salt"originally was included in his book On Your Feet, which is now out of print. 

Bennett's "With A Grain of Salt" is a composite of ideas gleaned from a routine of Alex Elmsley's, Dai Veron's famous routine, and suggested handling improvements by Bennett's friend Howie Schwarzman. The routine consists of a more or less conventionl routine in which three small balls travel from cup to cup, from the performer's pocket to the cup, etc. At the conclusion of the routine a jumbo ball is produced which matches the small balls and finally a cup full of salt- climax borrowed from the magic genius of England, Alex Elmsley!

With A Grain of Salt" is characteristic of Horace Bennett magic in that it makes full use of routing to get way ahead of the spectator. while the routine does utilize some standard cup and ball sleights, it is really simple to perform. 

Use any standard set of cups and balls plus one jumbo ball and some salt. The routine is fully described in this twelve page booklet.

Details: With A Grain of Salt  By Horace Bennett

12 Pages, Soft bound, Size: 5 1/2" by 8 1/2 ".

A Magic Methods Publication

Tags Horace Bennett, Cups & Balls Routine, With A Grain of Salt
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