The Cups - A Manual of Cups & Balls Magic by R. Fromer
The Cups - A Manual of Cups & Balls Magic
By Roy Fromer
This book contains over 100 ideas, tricks, routines and novelties with the Cups and Balls. Contains over 40 illustrations, engravings and photos. Includes the original Mohammed Bey routines and three authentic Easy Indian Cup routines. For beginners and experts alike. 48 pages packed with information. This will instruct you and set your creative mind awhirl.
Contents Include:
- Publisher's Note: about Roy Fromer
- Introduction: by Roy Fromer, 1972
- About the Cups: short intro
- The Basic Routine: simple, no sleight routine where the three balls penetrate the cups
- 6 My Cup Runneth Over: Over twenty ideas on modifying or using special cups
6 Pot Holes: flower pots
6 The Society Cups and Balls: fancy cups
6 The Traveling Skulls: Halloween idea
6 Emergency Cups: tumblers
6 Close Up Cups: 2" aluminum cups
7 Impromptu Close Up Cups: fabric softener lids
7 Avante Garde Cups: leather
7 Thimblerigging: using "finger stalls"
7 Mechanical Cups: intro
8 The Foo Cup: produce liquid
8 The Walking Cups: wind up toy
8 ...And Talking Cups: three ideas for making noise
9 With Cocktail Shakers: with hole in the side idea
9 The Hobo Cups and Balls: paper folding to make cups on the spot
10 Christmas Cups: ideas
10 Ball and Moustache Cup: makes the "ball poured into the hand" part easy, but can't show inside!
11 Styrofoam Cups: with hole in the side idea again
11 The $12.50 Carpet Tape Secret: a "Chop-cup" idea
11 Paper Cup Picnic: several ideas
12 The Homing Cup: using paper cones from wrapping string
12 Liquid Tumblers: converting double walled tumblers to liquid production cups
13 Disposable Cups and Balls: halved potatoes!
13 Passe' Goldfish Cup: Goldfish and water poured into a 2nd cup, the goldfish vanishes! When poured back, the goldfish reappears. (not really a cups and balls trick, though!)
14 Rolling Stones: Alternate ball ideas
14 Expert Ball Control: coating balls
14 A Clown Gag: with a ping pong ball
14 X-Rated Cups and Balls: multiplying rabbits
14 The Running Ball: like "Judy the Mouse"
15 The Pin Ball: hook ball
15 Trapped Air: a stunt with a tumbler
15 Sponge Ball to Cube or Rabbit: finale idea
15 Ball to Egg Finale: another idea
15 Balls to Fruit: and another
16 Oriental Paper Balls: Japanese version
17 Jamison Kinks With Sponge Balls. Commentary on using sponge balls. Includes an improved steal, the working surface, and ideas for ending the cups and balls
19 Four Passes
19 Improved French Drop
19 The Thumb Catch
19 "Tarzan" Pass
19 The Elbow Catch Vanish
21 Loading: The Grand Finale. 11 ideas for the final load
21 Classic Method: the standard load approach
21 Lapping: just a mention, and a suggestion to add in "the cup through the table" to your seated routine
21 The Budget Bag: cheap servante
21 A Simple Servante: using the tablecloth
22 Tea Cup Hangers: screw-type hangers
22 Coffee, Tea, or Milk? updated drumhead tube
22 Silk Production Finale: silk switch
22 Sport Sponges: final load ideas
22 Pop-Up Production: production fruit
23 Another Liquid Production: paper cup idea
24 Performing Surfaces
24 Ball Traps: how to build
24 A Cloth Flap: impromptu
25 Stretch Edge Art: with sponge balls
26 A Note from Tony Shiels of England: Ball production for opener, also a vanish
28 Escometry: Tips on performances
28 A Dog Act: getting a dogs into your act
28 My Puppet Routine: with a hand puppet
28 The "Crown Royal" Bag": for storage
28 Some Novelty Routines: such as using chess pieces, using the cups as rice bowls, etc.
29 The Platform Lecturer: lecturing on the cups and balls
29 For Further Reading: Ellis Stanyon Course in The Jinx, Osborne's Cups and Balls Magic, Dai Vernon's Stars of Magic, Blackstone's Secrets of Magic, back issues of The Sphinx, Eddie Joseph's Hindu Cups and Balls, and Genii magazine.
30 Three "Dream" Tricks: three routine ideas
30 A Dai Vernon Gag: an anecdote by Dai Vernon
30 Horowitz on Malini: another anecdote
31 A Card Trick? Turtles?, Pool Balls?, Mentalism?: a few more ideas
32 Three Authentic Routines for East Indian Cups: each briefly described
32 Routine #1
32 A Short Close Up Routine
33 Routine #3
33 Five Sleights with the East Indian Cups & Balls
35 In Living Tribute to S. Leo Horowitz (Mohammed Bey)
37 The Cups of Cairo: Mohammed Bey routine. Standard set, no difficult sleights. End with large loads.
42 Encore: Various ramblings about the cups & balls
43 Advertisements from D. Robbins & Company
Details: The Cups - A Manual of Cups & Balls Magic
48 pages, soft covers, saddle-stitched, size; 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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