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Sinister Variations by Charles Pecor

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  • Some Very Fine Magic!

Sinister Variations

by Charles Pecor

Fine magic with 'off the wall' plots and patter themes. Includes close-up, mental, platform and stage magic. Very interesting.

Contents Include:

4 Introduction

Two From Bob Carver
5 Bob’s ESP Demonstration
10 Clairvoyance—Telepathy—Precognition

Two From John Stanfield
14 Stanfield’s Scissors Production
16 Stanfield's Bottle Production

The Bionic Vampire Revisited
21 Stud Finder Revisited
24 The Hill Billy Bills Revisited
28 Watch Out! Revisited
32 The Werewolf Meets The Mountebank Meets The Wizard 
34 The Harry Houdini Memorial Miracle II
36 The Teeth Of Washington Irving Bishop

Patter Pets
39 Earth Spirit 
43 The Over-Active Tongue Muscle

Button, Button
50 The Hand Of Matthew Marleybone
54 The Card On The Whip
59 Conclusion

Please note: The two copies we have left are slightly soiled on the cover area on the white boarders. As such, we have reduced the selling price.

Details: Sinister Variations by Charles Pecor

59 pages, soft covers, saddle-stitched, size; 8 1/2" by 11".

Media Type Shipped Product

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