How to Make A Living as a Pro. Magician
How to Make A Living as a Professional Magician
Business First, Sleight-of-Hand Later
By Magnus - Matt Patterson
You may be able to pull off an impressive card trick, but can you recruit new clients and tailor your show to different occasions? In the only guide of its kind, professional magician Magnus shows you the ins and outs of managing your career in magic. His tried-and-true methods will convert you - presto, change-o - into a successful professional.
Magnus will help you develop the persistence and conviction you'll need for a career in close-up magic, making your pitch to potential employers, and promoting and marketing your act. He'll advise you on the tricks that will provide you with the most mileage - the time-tested audience-pleasers that can be performed in a wide variety of situations - and the best ways to practice them to ensure a smooth execution. His advice on cultivating skills that contribute to a successful performance, getting along with coworkers, and handling hecklers, will save you untold aggravation and smooth the path toward a magical career.
This Dover edition, first published in 2019, is a revised and updated republication of Blood, Sweat, and Pinky Breaks: A Practical Guide to Making a Living with Close-up Magic, self-published by Magnus in 1999. This edition adds a new preface, introduction, and other chapters.
Details: How to Make A Living as a Professional Magician
116 pages, perfect binding, soft covers, size 6" by 9".
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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