Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic
Very limited quantities available.
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic
By Horace Bennett
Edited by Hugh Miller
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic is a hard-to-find book containing some of the world's most recognizable Magic effects. You will find the handlings devilishly deceptive. The clever presentations are another layer on top of the already cunning handlings. Very limited quantities are available.
Since Magic Methods published every other book (all are still in print except one- "On Your Feet" ) that Mr. Bennett wrote we felt it only right that we also offer this title to our customers. These VERY LIMITED in Supply copies were found in an old warehouse in England. Everyone thought this book was long ago out of print, but mo a few hundred were found. Get One Quick at this great price, as it's doubtful it will be reprinted anytime soon and if it was the price would surely be much higher for a hardbound book.
Contents Include:
Foreword (Lewis Ganson) ---- Note: We also stock two books by Lewis Ganson "Routined Manipulation" & "Routined Manipulation Finale"
Bennett's Silken Sorcery Routine: cigarettes and silks
- Properties and Preparation
- The Get Ready
- Performance
- Additional Thoughts on the Silk Production Routine
- Producing the First Silk
- Performance
Perfected Silk Production: silk production from none to six, with large Butterfly silk climax
- Preparation
- Performance
Take Five: linking rings with Five rings (Key, 2 Singles, Chain of 2)
- The Count, Showing the Rings Separate
- Linking Two Rings Together (Edward Victor and Bennett) - Note: we also stock Edward Victor's books "Magic of The Hands and the Sequel "More Magic of the Hands" check elsewhere on this site or contact us.
- Linking Moves With the Key and Singles
- Jay Marshall's Sucker Move - ----- Note: We also stock the "Ireland's Linking Ring Routine" booklet
- Unlinking the Chain of Two (Bennett & Tommy Dowd)
- Tommy Dowd's Spin Unlink
- Chain of Three & Eugene Laurant's Removing the Centre Ring
- Jack Miller's Version of the Herman L. Weber Ring Move
- Jack Miller's Pushing the Rings Through the Arm
- Jack Miller's Causing the Rings to Jump From Arm to the Other Arm
- Jack Miller's Ring Monte -----Note: We also stock "Jack Miller's Linking Ring Routine" Book, found elsewhere on this site.
- Chain of Four
- Chain of Five
- Fini
- Alternate Switch for Exchanging the Chain of Two For the Linked Single and Key
- Bibliography
- Rink's Moves With Two Single Rings and a Key Ring
Eight Ball Routine: production of 8 billiard balls, one at a time
- Needed: 8 balls and shell, cloth ball holders, wear a jacket
- Thoughts on Performing
- Producing the First Ball
- The Penetration of the Silk Handkerchief
- Producing Ball No. 2
- Production of Ball No. 3
- Production of Ball No. 4
- Vanish and Production of Ball No. 4
- Production of Ball No. 5
- Production of Ball No. 6
- Vanish and ReProduction of Ball No. 6
- Production of Ball No. 7
- Swallowing and Reproducing Ball No. 7
- Production of Ball No. 8
NOTE: we also stock "Frank Garcia's Billard Balls Routine" Booklet, see elsewhere on this site or contact us for availability.
Details: Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic
Edited by Hugh Miller, Forward by Lewis Ganson
Copyright 1968 Supreme Magic Company
Hard Cover with Dust jacket 80 actual text pages with two ad pages at the back.
Tags | Horace Bennett, Book |
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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